This is their first bath time. They both had a bunch of fun! Mimi was splashing her feet in the water, it was VERY entertaining. Mia was playing bubbles and she was also rinsing Mimi off too... they had such a great time. I even captured it on video.
Gabe laughs all the time because I can lift things with my toes haha. We got a good chuckle with this photo because Miranda was trying to feed herself by holding her bottle with her feet.
I have yet to walk a 3 day event, it is something I have wanted to do for a while. Now that I have the chance I am hoping to succeed and bring some of my friends with me on the journey as well.
Been a while
I've been dealing with sick kids, sick me, working husband and preparing
for competition next week at Nationals. I am exhausted but things are good.
Alrighty now!!! Remember we picked our song, here is the link for that in
case you forgot.
Here is...